Melissa for hellenism: 2 years – our events in Switzerland

(shorty in English)

Des manifestations sur l’histoire grecque et le philhellénisme, sur notre tradition, des projections des documentaires historiques, des conférences des scientifiques renommés, des expositions de livres rares de notre collection, un atelier d’iconographie chrétienne, une projet-pilote de bibliothèque de prêt au cœur de la ville de Lausanne, des collaborations divers avec les associations grecques et philhelléniques et les autorités grecques et suisses, composent le mosaïque des activités de notre association ces 2 premières années depuis sa fondation.
Remerciements à nos membres et ami(e)s en Suisse, en Grèce et dans d’autres pays pour ce chaleureux accueil et soutien.

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Le mosaïque de nos activités durant la période 2017-2019

Exhibition of ancient books of our association at Le Rosay

On September 28th, the Institute Le Rosey (Rolle, VD) held for the second time its annual Bookfête, celebrating books, reading and writing.

On this occasion, Melissa was invited with a guest exhibition of rare books printed in Switzerland in the 16th century. Among them, the first edition of Plato’s complete works (Geneva, 1580), Appian of Alexandria’s Roman History (Geneva, 1592), and two pocket editions – the Iliad and Eschyle’s tragedies.

Curious students and staff had the opportunity to learn interesting details about printing techniques and about the persons involved in the precious books’ production and travel through time in a presentation given by Melissa’s president, Mr. Georgios Sgourdos.

The book exhibition was open to the public during concert evenings until 15th October.

Photos of the exhibition from our Facebook page

Participation at the “bookfête” of Le Rosay

Institute Le Rosey (Rolle, VD)

On September 28th, the Institute Le Rosey (Rolle, VD) held for the second time its annual Bookfête, celebrating books, reading and writing.

On this occasion, Melissa was invited with a guest exhibition of rare books printed in Switzerland in the 16th century.

The book exhibition was open to the public during concert evenings until 15th October.

More info and photos here.


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