Open Letter of Greeks Abroad in the Face of Increasing Turkish Aggression
Dr. Kostas Vlasis, Deputy Minister for Greeks Abroad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The President of Greece and the President of Cyprus
The Prime Minister of Greece
The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Greece and Cyprus
The Ministers of National Defence of Greece and Cyprus
The Archbishops of the Church of Greece and Cyprus
The Chiefs of the Army of Greece and Cyprus
The Presidents of the Political Parties of Greece and Cyprus
The Presidents and Deputies of the Parliaments of Greece and Cyprus
The Deputies of Greece and Cyprus in the European Parliament
The Media of Greece and Cyprus
Des manifestations sur l’histoire grecque et le philhellénisme, sur notre tradition, des projections des documentaires historiques, des conférences des scientifiques renommés, des expositions de livres rares de notre collection, un atelier d’iconographie chrétienne, une projet-pilote de bibliothèque de prêt au cœur de la ville de Lausanne, des collaborations divers avec les associations grecques et philhelléniques et les autorités grecques et suisses, composent le mosaïque des activités de notre association ces 2 premières années depuis sa fondation.
Remerciements à nos membres et ami(e)s en Suisse, en Grèce et dans d’autres pays pour ce chaleureux accueil et soutien.
Mr Alfred de Zayas is an American lawyer, writer, historian, a leading expert in the field of human rights and international law. From 2012 until April 2018, he was the United Nations (UN) Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order (also known as Special Rapporteur), appointed by the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council. He also teaches international law at the Geneva School of Diplomacy.