“Exodus 1826 – A Road of No Return” is a war drama based on the greek popular folk song “Sons of Samarina” which is about 120 brave men who rushed to fight alongside the besieged Greeks during the heroic Exodus of Missolonghi in 1826.
Production: 2017, Greece
Duration: 104′
Language: Greek with English subtitles
Director: Vassilis Tsikaras
Tickets: Sfr. 10.- available before the film projection and online.
Other projections: Lausanne 21/3, Zurich 24/3
By Melissa for Hellenism

(text in french)
Vêpres et conférence sur Saint Basile par S.E. le Métropolite de Suisse Jéremie
Vêpres: 18h | Conférence: 19h
Langue: grec
Eglise grecque orthodoxe St Gérasime
Av. de Florimont 2
Article sur l’histoire de l’église de Saint Gérasime : notreHistoire.ch
Greeks living in Switzerland will gather this Saturday in Zurich in order to protest against the use of the term Macedonia for the northern neighbouring country’s name.

This event in facebook
Watch the rally of Zurich on YouTube.